The Docudays UA film club moderators were introduced to the first eighteen films from the sixth collection in May, but already in summer, twelve other films appeared on the website, forming the seventh collection.
Burning Out, 85 min.
Director: Jerome Le Maire
Belgium, France, Switzerland
“Together with my namesake, the moderator of the film club at the Kremenchuk Probation Centre (Aliona Makarenko. Ed.), I moderated the film Burning Out at the Autumn School for Moderators. I was watching it for the second time then. And, as usual (at least it’s usually the case with me), I felt like I started noticing more details. Now it seems very universal to me. For adult audiences. Or for stable groups who work or do something for free together. This film is about a team and about a shared goal. About articulating problems and about possible solutions. And, of course, about human rights. About how someone’s life depends on a doctor’s burnout. Does it depend in the same way on a burnout of a teacher? Driver? Orderly?...”
Aliona Hlazkova, moderator of the Docudays UA film club at NGO Space of Ideas, Kremenchuk
Sickfuckpeople, 75 min.
Director: Juri Rechinsky
Ukraine, Austria
The discussion raises a few important questions related not just to the film itself, but also to human rights philosophy, in particular: What are the characteristics by which we define a human being? Whom do we consider to be human beings? What is human dignity and what is its nature? Most of the viewers said that films with such a deep perspective on life should be watched by as many people in Ukraine as possible.”
Anna Sharygina, moderator of the Docudays UA film club at the NGO Kharkiv Women’s Association “Sphere,” Kharkiv

Slaves, 15 min.
Directors: David Aronowitsch, Hanna Heilborn
Sweden, Norway, Denmark
“After watching this film, I felt very scared because children in Sudan are kept in slavery under inhuman conditions. After the discussion of the film, I started remembering how I saw children at Kyiv and Lviv rainway stations begging and asking for money. And now I understand what should be done in such cases in Ukraine.”
Oleksandra Vorotilova, history teacher at the Specialized School No.5, Mariupol.
The screening and discussion was a part of the Slavery and Human Rights event, organized by Svitlana Arabadzhy at the Human Rights Film Club.
See the full list of the film below:
Minding the Gap / Bing Liu / USA 2018 / 98’
Just Do It / Emily James / UK 2011 / 88’
Slaves / David Aronowitsch, Hanna Heilborn / Sweden, Norway, Denmark 2009 / 15’
Sofia’s Last Ambulance / Ilian Metev / Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia 2012 / 75’
Lo & Behold: Reveries of the Connected World / Werner Herzog / USA 2016 / 98’
Silvana / Mika Gustafson, Olivia Kastebring, Christina Tsiobanelis / Sweden 2017/ 95’
Burning Out / Jérôme Le Maire / Belgium, France, Switzerland 2016/ 85’
Normal Autistic Film / Miroslav Janek / Czech Republic 2016 / 88’
When Paul Came Over the Sea – Journal of an Encounter / Jakob Preuss / Germany 2017 / 97’
Sickfuckpeople / Juri Rechinsky / Ukraine, Austria 2013 / 75’
Blood / Alina Rudnickaya / Russia 2013 / 62’
Giovanni and the Water Ballet / Astrid Bussink / Netherlands 2014 / 17’
For almost all of the films, human rights experts have developed two types of scenarios: for film club moderators who conduct screenings at probation centers, correctional colonies and education institutions of the penitentiary system, and those who work at film clubs in schools, universities, libraries, art spaces, galleries, youth, human rights and charity organizations.
Given that this year, film clubs focus not only on discussing human rights, but also on promoting reforms and developing advocacy projects, the scenarios contain the relevant practical advice and additions.

Film club moderators, as usual, can find the films and the accompanying materials on the website, using their personal login and password. And the audience can find a convenient film club from the list and participate in its events both offline and online.
The Docudays UA film club network is a non-commercial and non-political project. Our goal is legal education and free access to the best documentaries from all over the world for Ukrainian citizens. Using films and discussions, we spread knowledge about human rights and the methods for defending them, form an understanding of human dignity as the highest value in Ukrainian society, and develop civil activism.
The DOCU/CLUB Network’s collection includes 112 films from the Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, including films that have won awards at Sundance Film Festival, Sheffield Doc/Fest, Watch Docs and other major festivals. The films are translated and dubbed in Ukrainian.
Photo: Stas Kartashov, the Autumn School for the Moderators of Docudays UA Human Rights Media Education Film Clubs.
The DOCU/CLUB Network—For Reforms! project is funded by the European Union and the National Endowment for Democracy.