The purpose of the Competition: to create an opportunity for film clubs moderators’ to present their scripts of educational activities on human rights, including methodology for screenings and moderated discussions, implementing new tools of attracting attention and audience immersion in the topic of discussion to spread best practices, promote the active exchange of experiences between film clubs and expand the collection of scripts for educational events available on our website.
Competition participants: permanent film clubs for human rights media education
Docudays UA.
Terms of the Competition: the participants of the Competition should choose one film from the list, develop a script for an educational event for one of the target categories from the list:
employees of State penitentiary and probation service of Ukraine;
convicts and individuals who are placed on probation.
By 26 May 2020 inclusive, they should submit it via the online form to the Docudays UA Network Development Department.
Competition Commission: representatives of the Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival and the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (UHHRU).
Winners Selection:
On 10 June, the Competition Commission will select 15 authors who will become the finalists: 3 participants in each group according to the target audience of the event:
employees of State penitentiary and probation service of Ukraine;
convicts and individuals who are placed on probation.
The moderators and finalists will hold an online discussion of selected films based on their scripts at the Docudays UA online film club. The screenings' schedule will be agreed with the finalists separately. The audience will have the opportunity to evaluate the scripts and moderators as experts in legal education. These evaluations will be taken into account by the Competition Commission when selecting the winners.
On 13 July 2020, the Competition Commission will announce 5 winners of the Competition, one in each category.
Awarding the winners:
The Finalists of the Competition will receive a free individual consultation worth up to UAH 1,000 from a selected, according to their own needs, human rights experts to expand their knowledge in the field and improve moderation skills. Scripts by the finalists of the Competition will be published on our website.
The winners of the Competition: each author of the best script for educational events will receive a prize of UAH 3,000.
Interim and final results of the Competition will be published on the International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Docudays UA website, on the Network of Media Education Film Clubs website, as well as on the official Docudays UA pages in social networks.