The Docudays UA network development department is announcing a Competition among the permanent Docudays UA Human Rights Media Education Film Clubs. Goal of the Competition: Motivate the film clubs to learn new skills and knowledge and to use the existing experience, practices and instruments for human rights advocacy and promotion of reforms in order to engage the community in solving urgent problems and actively participating in decision making by conducting advocacy events whose goal will be to change policies, practical approaches, balance of forces, views and relations. Competition participants: permanent Docudays UA Human Rights Media Education Film Clubs. Applications for the Competition can be submitted by the heads or moderators of these film clubs. non-governmental organizations, charity foundations, education institutions of various levels, libraries and other organizations which plan or are already at the stage of problem solving by implementing advocacy measures or campaigns and are prepared to learn new knowledge and skills in it, as well as to open a Docudays UA film club to get an opportunity to use documentary cinema as an instrument of engaging the community in active action. Stages and terms of the Competition: At the first stage, the participants have to fill out an online application which will include: the description of the problem which you plan to solve by implementing advocacy measures or campaigns; the plan and deadline for implementing the advocacy measures or campaigns; the circle of partners whom you plan to involve in solving the problem; the expected results; the amount of financial support required to implement the project. At the second stage, after the commission considers the received applications, if they meet all the requirements of the Competition, the participants will be offered expert support in accordance with the project’s needs (in the format of group webinars, seminars and individual consultations), and they will be given funding to implement the project. At the third stage, the results of the implementation of advocacy measures or campaigns will be evaluated and the list of winners of the Competition will be determined. Period for submitting a project application: 30/10/2020 ‒ 30/11/2020 (until 6 p.m. EET). Provision of financial and expert support for projects: from 10/12/2020 in accordance with the results of the consideration of project applications by the Competition Commission. Project implementation, including reporting: 1/12/2020 – 15/6/2021 Competition budget for 2020-2021 – 10,000 euros. As a part of the competition, we will support up to 50 projects of advocacy measures that will be implemented by Docudays UA Human Rights Media Education film clubs in collaboration with community members and partner organizations. Competition commission: includes representatives of the DOCU/CLUB Network team and human rights experts. Selecting the winners: 15/6/2021 – 15/7/2021 The five winners will be determined in the following categories: advocacy measure or campaign which helped solve a problem; advocacy measure or campaign which brought a community ot some population groups together to defend their rights promote their interests; advocacy measure or campaign which involved the highest number of external partners, partner organizations or partners from the DOCU/CLUB Network; using innovative approaches to the implementation of an advocacy measure or campaign; best advocacy measure (or campaign) implemented by teenagers (up to 18 years old) supported by mentors and experts. Awarding the winners: The competition winners will get an opportunity to visit the Czech Republic in 2021 as members of the DOCU/CLUB Network delegation to meet and exchange experience with the One World Festival film club network. The exact dates and length of the trip will be coordinated separately, in accordance with the epidemiological situation in Ukraine and the Czech Republic.
30 October 2020
Competition for the best advocacy events implemented by Docudays UA Human Rights Media Education Film Clubs in collaboration with community representatives and partner organizations