The purpose of the Competition: to analyze and evaluate the contribution of the Docudays UA human rights media education film clubs to the raising the awareness of the human rights situation in Ukraine among film clubs’ audience, involving community members in active participation in advocacy campaigns, promoting and supporting democratic reforms. Create an opportunity for film club heads and moderators to share stories of change to spread best practices and enhance the exchange of experiences between film clubs. Participants of the Competition: permanent Docudays UA human rights media education film clubs, which have been operating for at least one calendar year at the Competition launch. Application forms for participation in the Competition can be submitted by the heads or moderators of the respective film clubs. Terms of the Competition: participants of the Competition should fill out an online questionnaire and send it to the Docudays UA Network Development Department by 19 July 2020. The level of film clubs impact in each of the categories will be assessed separately: film clubs at educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities, etc.); film clubs at human rights organizations (public organizations, charitable foundations, primary legal aid centers, etc.); film clubs at cultural and educational organizations (libraries, hubs, art galleries, etc.); film clubs at the institutions of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine working with staff and temporarily detained individuals. Competition Commission: representatives of the Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival and human rights experts. Winners Selection: On 3 August, 2020, the Competition Commission will select 12 film clubs based on the results of the questionnaires' analysis. Three film clubs from each category will be included in the list of finalists; Until 16 August 16, 2020, inclusive, the Competition Commission's representatives will conduct online interviews with the heads and moderators of film clubs to select the winners; On 31 August 31, 2020, the Competition Commission will announce four winners of the Competition, one in each category. Awards Ceremony: Film clubs' finalists will receive UAH 1,000 certificates to cover the purchase of the necessary equipment for film clubs. The winners of the Competition will receive UAH 5,000 to cover the price of the necessary equipment for film clubs. Interim and final results of the Competition will be published on the Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival website and Docudays UA human rights media education film clubs Network websites, as well as on the official pages of Docudays UA in social networks.
06 July 2020The Docudays UA Network Development Department announces a Competition among permanent Docudays UA human rights media education film clubs